- [S180] Mary Dunshee, Carroll Co., IL Circuit Clerk's office probate file 6146, box 183, Carroll County Courthouse, Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co., IL.
- [S183] Marriage Index (1839-1900) Carroll Co., IL Recorders Office (pg 62 of index dated 01/31/92), Carroll County Courthouse, Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co., IL. Hereinafter cited as Carroll County, IL Marriage Index (1839-1900).
- [S185] Unknown author, The history of Carroll County, Illinois, containing a history of the county--its cities, towns, etc., a biographical directory ... ,( p. 416) (Chicago: H. F. Kett & co, 1878). Hereinafter cited as The history of Carroll County, Illinois.
- [S186] IGI - Patron sheets Batch # 8004505 Sheet # 57 Source Call # 1260657, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (various addresses with some on-line: Latter Day Saints Family History Library).
- [S187] Edmund T. Dunshee, Jun 1900 U.S. Census of New Trier Twp, Cook Co, Illinois, Washington, DC, family 206, US National Archives.
- [S189] Carlos Dunshee, 1900 US Census of Hyde Park., Cook Co., IL, Washington, DC, family 162, US National Archives.
- [S190] Unknown author, War of 1812 Records (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S192] Unknown author, Warren Co., Indiana County Clerks records; Marriage Record #5 p. 46 (m. by John Brody or Brady minister) (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S193] Andrew J. Dunshee, 1880 U.S. Censuo of Concord Twp., Iroquois Co., IL, Washington, DC, sheet 11, line 5, US National Archives.
- [S194] William Dunshee, War of 1812 Pension Record (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S195] H.P. Smith, editor, History of Addison Co. Vermont; p. xviii; copied at DAR Library (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., 1886). Hereinafter cited as Smith's History of Addison Co., VT.
- [S196] Dunshee Cemetery Markers in Greenwood Cemetery, Bristol, Vermont, Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files, 3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO; Karol F. Dunshee, 1997.
- [S197] Robert, John and William & William Dunshee, 1850 U.S. Census of Bristol, Addison Co., Vermont, Washington, DC, families 68, 90, 96, & 261, US National Archives roll 920.
- [S198] "Noble Dunshee family bible, as sworn in his military pension records", Noble Dunshee Family Bible; US National Archives; Washington, DC. Hereinafter cited as "Noble Dunshee Family Bible."
- [S200] Frances P. Kneeland, and Helen N. Trombley for the Outlook Club Bertha H. Estes, editor, History of Bristol, Vermont 1720-1980, 3rd Ed., Outlook Club of Bristol, VT (Bristol VT: Bristol Press, 1980 (3rd Edition)). Hereinafter cited as Outlook Club's History of Bristol, VT.
- [S201] "Noble F. Dunshee", Military Pension Application file #1102709; US National Archives; Washington, DC. Hereinafter cited as "Noble F. Dunshee Military Pension Application."
- [S204] Elenor Dunshee & Joseph Hick, Premarital agreement, recorded 24 Mar 1812, Greene County Courthouse, 93 E. High St., Waynesburg, Greene Co., PA.
- [S286] Emily J. Dunshee v. Amanda Wilson - Mary Houser - Nancy Wakely - Sarah C. Marshall - et al, January 1883 Term (#2742) of Warren Circuit Court, see B165-166.
- [S297] Carroll Co., IL Recorders Office, Archives Marriage Record Index, Carroll County Courthouse, Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co., IL. Hereinafter cited as Carroll Co., IL Marriage Index.
- [S299] Various persons, Addison Co., VT probate records (Middlebury) various file #, Addison County Probate Office, Marbleworks Bldg., Middlebury, Addison Co., VT.
- [S302] Warner B. Dunshee, Herbert Dunshee and & Charles C. Dunshee, June 1880 U.S. Census of Bristol, Addison Co., Vermont, Washington, DC, E.D. 3; pg. 10, family 115; p. 22, families 260 & 264, US National Archives film T9, roll 1340.
- [S303] Unknown compiler, compiler, "unknown title"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S318] William E. Dunshee will (unknown date), recorded in Addison Co., VT on 15 Jun 1880 and administered on 1 Jul 1895 probate file 531, Addison County Probate Office, Marbleworks Bldg., Middlebury, Addison Co., VT. Hereinafter cited as William E. Dunshee will.
- [S343] Robert E. Dunshee, 02 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Baker, Baker Co., Oregon, Washington, DC, E.D. 5, Sheet 1, line 43, US National Archives T625, roll ??
- [S353] Letter from Metta Dunshee (Guy A. & Metta Dunshee; Rt. 2, Box 80 (1018 Wilkinson Sta); Pantego, NC 27860) to Orville & Betty Dunshee, 11 Mar 1995; Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S356] Andrew J. Dunshee, 18 Jun 1900 Federal Census, Washington, DC, Vol. 55, E.D. 73, Sheet 8, Line 34, US National Archives T621, Roll 394.
- [S426] Jonathan (Y.?) Dunshee, 1850 U.S. Census of Lamoille Co., VT, Washington, DC, page 98, dwelling 89, family #95, US National Archives film 432, roll 925.
- [S450] Unknown author, Portrait and Biographical Album of Jo Daviess and Carroll Counties, Illinois, Containing Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County, Together with Portaits and Biographies of All the Governors of the State, and the Presidents of the Unites States. (Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1889). Hereinafter cited as Portrait & Biog. Album of Jo Daviess & Carroll Co., IL.

- [S463] Cook County, Illinois Death Index 1871-1916, FHL # 6016533,.
- [S481] Military Pension and Widow's Pension, 20574 and 416254; Warner Dunshee Military Pension and Nicena Dunshee Widow's Pension; unknown record group, US National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S484] Disability Military Pension for Franklin Dunshee / Widow's for Lucretia Dunshee, file numbers 704864 / 485347 ; US National Archives, Washington, DC.
- [S515] Jacob Hanes Dunshee and Cora Daily Pitzer marriage, 11 Apr 1908, Newton Co., Indiana Courthouse, Kentland, Newton Co., IN. Marriage Record book N (1905-1908).
- [S516] William Goodell and Dora Caroline Dunshee marriage, 19 Dec 1900, Newton Co., Indiana Courthouse, Kentland, Newton Co., IN. Newton County, Indiana Clerk's Marriage Record book 4, page 43,.
- [S517] Indiana Works Progress Administration, compiler, Index to Birth Records of Newton County, Indiana 1882-1937 inclusive, Vol I Letters A-Z inclusive (originally Kentland - Morroco, 1999: original books at Newton County Health Office, 1938). Hereinafter cited as WPA Index of Newton Co., IN Births.
- [S518] Indiana Works Progress Administration, compiler, Index to Death Records of Newton County, Indiana 1882-1937 inclusive (originally Kentland - Morroco, 1999: original books at Newton County Health Office, 1938). Hereinafter cited as WPA Index of Newton Co., IN Deaths.
- [S571] FamilyHistory.com Dunshee Message Board, online http://www.familyhistory.com/messages/messages.asp
- [S651] Bob Buegler, "Dunshee Descendants," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Karol F. Dunshee, 03 -24 Mar 2000.
- [S739] Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Index, 1964-1998. [database on-line] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000-. Original electronic data from:Texas Department of Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1964-1998. Austin, TX. Texas Department of Health. State Vital Statistics Unit, 19xx-.Database: Texas Deaths, 1964-98 Texas Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 Birth Summary, online http://www.rootsweb.com/. Hereinafter cited as RootsWeb.com's Texas Vital Indexes.
- [S770] Index to the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921)), online http://www.amherst.edu/~rjyanco/genealogy/acbiorecord/index/…. Hereinafter cited as Amherst College Biographical Record.
- [S927] Lynnea Dickinson, Norman D. French biography in "The History of Carroll County, Illinois, published 1878 by H.F. Kett & Co.", listserve message to Ancestry's Carroll County, IL Biography, 07 Mar 2001. Printout dated 12 May 2002.
- [S930] Edward Sidney Dunshee & Annie Eva Oram marriage, 7 Jun 1887, New Jersey State Archives, 225 West State St., Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ. Marriage microfilm roll #9, D-17.
- [S1576] In Memory of Mrs. Celia Dunshee, Thomson Review, Thomson, IL, 8 Nov 1922.
- [S1577] Isaac Lathrop, 1850 U.S. Census of Peoria, IL, unknown repository address, image 229, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1650] Mrs. Esther D. Bower (obituary), Chicago Tribune extract from newsbank.com, Chicago, IL, 14 Oct 1962. Hereinafter cited as Chicago Tribune.
- [S1651] Wilmette Justice Dies on Train, Chicago Tribune extract from newsbank.com, Chicago, IL, 18 & 19 Aug 1918. Hereinafter cited as Chicago Tribune.
- [S1713] Ancestry Database: North Carolina Death Certificates, 1909-1975, online www.ancestry.com. Hereinafter cited as NC Deaths 1909-1975.
- [S1714] A. William Kerney, 1 April 1930 U.S. Census of Eight Election District, Caroline Co., Maryland, unknown repository address, ED 6-17, Sheet 5B, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1842] John L. Dunshee, Apr 1930 U.S. Census of Rockford, Sedgwick Co., KS, unknown repository address, ED 28, sheet 2A, image 3, unknown repository.
- [S1843] John L. Dunshee, Apr 1910 U.S. Census of York Twp., Carroll Co., IL, unknown repository address, ED 16, sheet 6B, image 12, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1899] USGenWeb NC, Washington Co. -- Death Record Index for Washington County, North Carolina, online http://www.ncgenweb.us/washington/WDTH031.HTM. Hereinafter cited as Washington Co., NC Death Record Index.