- [S205] Edward Sidney Dunshee, 1900 US Census of Ward 15, Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC, family 150, US National Archives.
- [S206] Hugh Dunshee & Wm. Dunshee, 1820 U.S. Census of Walpole, Chesire Co., New Hampshire, Washington, DC, US National Archives.
- [S208] Emma C. Brewster Jones, The Brewster Genealogy 1566-1907 (Cincinnati, OH: The Grafton Press, NY, 1908).
- [S209] Unknown compiler, 1880 Census Carroll Co, IL (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S210] Frank Dunshee, 6-7 Jun 1900 U.S. Census of Seventy Six Twp., Washington Co., Iowa, Washington, DC, Vol. 79, E.D. 120, sheet 2, page 3, US National Archives.
- [S211] Alfred Dunshee & Franklin Dunshee, 1880 U.S. Census of Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa,, Washington, DC, families 118 & 123, US National Archives.
- [S212] Franklin Dunshee & Fairy Lucrea Jackson marriage, 1 Mar 1877, Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA. Marriage Record Book 6, p. 131.
- [S213] Keota Cemetery Index and Transcription Record maintained in the Recorder's Office, Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA.
- [S214] Washington Co., IA Marriage Index, (B181), Washington County, Iowa Courthouse, IA.
- [S215] Interview with Frank & Evelyn Dunshee (Denver, CO), by Karol F. Dunshee, 1997 Dunshee Reunion. Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S216] Washington Co., IA Marriage Book 13, p. 603, Washington County, Iowa Courthouse, IA.
- [S220] Edward E. Kirkendall, 1900 US Census of Flint River Twp., Des Moines Co., Iowa, Washington, DC, E.D. 19, sheet 1, family 1, US National Archives T623, roll 429.
- [S221] Allen Dunshee, 1880 U.S. Census of Lincoln Twp, probably Van Buren Co., Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, US National Archives.
- [S222] Cordelia Dunshee, 1880 U.S. Census of Keota, Keokuk Co., Iowa, Washington, DC, E.D. 151, p. 6, family 57, US National Archives.
- [S223] Reno B. Dunshee, Fairy Dunshee Cordelia R. Dunshee, 1920 U.S. Census of Keota, Keokuk Co., Iowa, Washington, DC, V. 43, ED 52, Sh 9, Ln 15-16, 33-35, 40-41, US National Archives.
- [S224] Luke Dunshee & Marian McJunkin marriage, 13 Dec 1892, Recorder's Office, Keokuk Co., IA. From Recorder's genealogy area.
- [S225] Frank L. Dunshee, Assignment of Inheritance received from Luke (Grandfather) Keokuk County, Iowa probate box 151, Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA. Hereinafter cited as Frank L. Dunshee's Assignment of Inheritance.
- [S226] Floz L. Dunshee, Keokuk County, Iowa birth registration Birth Record 2, p. 254 (Aug 1898), Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA.
- [S228] Batch # M514158 Source Call # 388742, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (various addresses with some on-line: Latter Day Saints Family History Library).
- [S231] George R. Norton & Mary Louise Dunshee marriage, 15 Dec 1865, Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA. Marriage Record Book 2A, p. 235.
- [S251] Cordelia R. Dunshee, Keokuk County, Iowa Probate Box 621 (Combination Docket 5, p. 189), Keokuk County Courthouse, Sigourney, Keokuk Co., IA. Hereinafter cited as Cordelia R. Dunshee Probate.
- [S283] Washington Co., IA Marriage Bk 13, p 570, Washington County, Iowa Courthouse, IA.
- [S290] R.B. Dunshee & Jerome McGahan (families 49 & 108), 1 June 1900 U.S. Census of Keota, Lafayette Twp., Keokuk Co., Iowa, Washington, DC, E.D. 45, sheet 2 (or 5?), lines 27 & 92, US National Archives film T623, roll 441.
- [S342] Earl Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, Washington, DC, E.D. 92, sheet 19, line 24, US National Archives T625, roll 1865.
- [S358] Julia M. Dunshee, 7 Jan 1920 Federal Census MA, Middlesex Co., Washington, DC, Vol 69, E.D. 256, Sheet 7, line 81, US National Archives T625, roll 713.
- [S420] Frank Leon Dunshee, Probate File 76320, City and County of Denver Colorado, Clerk's Office, Denver, Denver Co., CO. Hereinafter cited as Frank Leon Dunshee Probate.
- [S421] Denver Colorado City Directory (n.p.: The Gazetteer Co., Inc., 1938, 1939, 1941).
- [S437] Melanie Dunshee, "Dunshee Family History Research," e-mail message from e-mail address (3908 King Charles Rd., Durham, NC 27707-5621) to Karol F. Dunshee, 1 & 2 Feb 1999.
- [S457] Frank Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Ft. Madison, Lee County, Iowa, Washington, DC, E.D. 83, sheet 14, line 29, US National Archives film T625, roll 499.
- [S510] Bill & Nancy Baker, "My Dunshee Information," e-mail message from e-mail address (Murfreesboro, TN 37129-1077) to Karol F. Dunshee, 25 Apr 1999.
- [S643] Ronald Polito and Chris Steele, editor, A Directory of Massachusetts Photographers 1839 - 1900 (Research by Chris Steele and Ronald Polito) (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1993). Hereinafter cited as Mass. Photographers.
- [S649] Alford Dunshee, 1900 U.S. Census of Salt Lake CIty, Salt Lake CO., UT, Washington, DC, sheet 8, line 69, US National Archives film T623, roll 1684.
- [S656] Norman S. & Emma Dunshee, 5 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC, Vol 254, E.D. 1055, sheet 2, line 43, US National Archives film T625, roll 1633.
- [S710] Leeper - Dunshee Wedding, Des Moines Capital, Des Moines, IA, 25 Jun 1920, p. 13.
- [S865] Norman Rourke, "Dunshee Family History," e-mail message from e-mail address (1 Chestnut Hill Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824-1909) to Karol F. Dunshee, 22 Aug 2001.
- [S892] "Descendants of Thomas Pott", Historical collections relating to the Potts family in Great Britain and America : with a historic-genealogy of the descendants of David Potts, an early Anglo-Welsh settler of Pennsylvania including contributions by the alte William John Potts, online http://www.heritagepursuit.com/Potts/Pottsth.htm, printout dated 16 Dec 2001. Previously published in hard copy (Canonsburg, PA: Thomas Maxwell Potts, 1901). Hereinafter cited as "Descendants of Thomas Pott."
- [S957] Rex Dunshee, Apr 1930 U.S. Census of Rockwell City, Twin Lakes Twp., Calhoun Co., Iowa, unknown repository address, ED 27, sheet 10B, Ancestry pg 20, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S960] Earl DUnshee, Apr 1930 U.S. Census of ED 414, Los Angeles, CA, unknown repository address, ED 414, sheet 2A, Ancestry pg 3, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S962] Clarence J. Dunshee, Apr 1930 U.S. Census of Des Moines, Union Co., New
exico, unknown repository address, ED 40, sheet 3B, Ancestry pg 6, Ancestry.com census database. - [S1373] Benton Dunshee, Jun 1870 U.S. Census of South English, Lafayette Twp., Keokuk Co., Iowa, unknown repository address, p. 22, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1506] Massachusetts Archives - Vital Record Search (Index), online http://www.sec.state.ma.us/vitalrecordssearch/…. Hereinafter cited as MA Vital Record Index.
- [S1547] Norman Dunshee, 10 Apr 1930 US Census of Ward 32, Philadelphia, PA, unknown repository address, ED 719, p. 13B, image 26, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1562] Thomas E. Dunshee & Claude B. Dunshee, 29 Apr 1910 U.S. Census of Troy Twp., Richland Co., Ohio, unknown repository address, ED 203, image 16 & 12, p. 8B & 6B, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1596] Keota Man is Heat Victim in Iowa City - L. Dunshee, 57, Succumbs Few Hours After Prostration in Hottest Day, The Davenport Democrat and Leader, Davenport, IA, 16 Sep 1927, p. 6.
- [S1679] Charles Bamford Christy entry, Death Record #4 1904-1935, Reg 4-1, Appanoose County Courthouse, Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA. Hereinafter cited as Charles Bamford Christy death registration.
- [S1680] Charles B. Christy entry, Appanoose County Birth Record #6 Record #6 (22 Nov 1921), Appanoose County Courthouse, Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA.
- [S1681] Anthony & Dora Armstrong, 1915 Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925, Mystic, Appanoose County, Card #'s A199 & A200, Ancestry.com census database unknown repository address.
- [S1872] T.E. and Mae Christy, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Chariton Twp., Macon Co., Missouri, unknown repository address, E.D. 70, p. 5B, image 10, Ancestry.com census database.

- [S1875] "Snipes Family Tree", online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/5989531/person/-1364658493, Anna M. Lopez (Anestry.com), downloaded 7 Apr 2011.
- [S1876] Barbara Christy Waddle, "Charles Bamford Christy & Dora Mae Christy" in "[CHRISTY-L]", listserve message to Rootsweb Archive of CHRISTY, Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:11:00 -0500. Printout dated 7 Apr 2011.