- [S275] Unknown author, Portrait & Biographical Record of Iroquois County, Illinois; pp. 706-7 (Chicago, IL: Lake City Pub. Co., 1893). Hereinafter cited as Port. & Biog. Rec. of Iroquois Co.., IL.
- [S276] John Fagan, 1860 U.S. Census of Iroquois Co, Illinois, Washington, DC, p. 179, family 1274, US National Archives film 653 roll 186.
- [S278] James Dunshee, 1850 U.S. Census of Ward 8, New York, NY, Washington, DC, pg. 356, family 671, US National Archives film 432, roll 542.
- [S279] Batch 7831703, sheet 27) Patron submitted form for family of Alfred Madison Atwell and Gracie Mary Smith (source # 1126434, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (various addresses with some on-line: Latter Day Saints Family History Library).
- [S282] Washington Co., IA Marriage Bk 12, p. 157, Washington County, Iowa Courthouse, IA.
- [S284] Videoed Interview with LaVon Dunshee (Colo, Iowa), by Karol F. Dunshee. Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S296] Interview with David Dunshee & Joyce (Stanley) Dunshee (Petoskey, MI), by Karol F. Dunshee, 1997 Dunshee Reunion. Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S301] William King Dunshee, 1850 U.S. Census, Ny, NY, Ward 12, Washington, DC, pg 73, family 1141, US National Archives 432, roll 549.
- [S309] Dean C. Cherrington, The Cherrington Family History & Genealogy (Scotch Plains, N.J.,: privately published, April 1978), Library of Congress Call # CS71.C52. Hereinafter cited as Cherrington Family History.
- [S323] Frank S. Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Washington County, Iowa, Washington, DC, E.D. 124, sheet 3, line 9, US National Archives film T625, roll 516.
- [S326] Winfield Scott Dunshee and and Frank G. and John H. Dunshee, 8-9 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Ventura, Ventura Co., California, Washington, DC, E.D. 274, Sheet 2, dwellings 24 & 26, US National Archives Film T625, Roll 154.
- [S331] Bertram K. Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, Washington, DC, E.D. 195, Sheet 12, Line 71, US National Archives T625, Roll 138.
- [S340] Julius E. Larsen, & Jesse Adamson Clarence Dunshee, 9 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Des Moines precinct, Union Co., New Mexico, Washington, DC, E.D. 250, Sheet 5 and sheet 3, US National Archives T625, roll 1079.
- [S398] Louise Dunshee obituary, Louise Dunshee obituary from on-line Amarillo Globe-News, a subsidiary of Morris Communications Corp.
, Amarillo, TX, July 27, 1998. Hereinafter cited as Amarillo Globe-News. - [S412] Richard W. Dunshee obituary, Denver Post, UMI Obituaries 1990-1997 at Ancestry.com, 06 June 1996 and 16 Jul 1996, F-21 and B-05.
- [S415] Denver, Colorado Marriage Record, City and County of Denver Colorado, Clerk's Office, Denver, Denver Co., CO.
- [S544] Death notice of Mrs. Catherine L. Dunshee, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, col C., 17 May 1883, page 5.
- [S575] John Dunshee, 27 Aug 1870 US Census of Twp. No. Two, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co., California, Washington, DC, page 55, dwelling and family 546, US National Archives film M593, roll #87.
- [S580] John Dunshee, 18 Jun 1860 US Census of District 1, Ward 9, of New York City, NY, Washington, DC, page 715, dwelling 365, family 756, US National Archives film M653, roll # 797.
- [S581] Henry W. Dunshee, 27 Jun 1860 US Census of District 1, Ward 9, of New York City, NY, Washington, DC, page 828, dwelling 759, roll #1647, US National Archives film M653, roll #797.
- [S582] Wm. Dunshee, 2 Jun 1860 US Census of District 3, Ward 12, of New York City, NY, Washington, DC, page 950, dwelling 501, family 481, US National Archives film M653, roll #802.
- [S596] Richard B. Groharing, "Dunshees," e-mail message from e-mail address (15950 Timberlane Road, P.O. Box 390, Morrison, IL 61270-0390) to Karol F. Dunshee, 07 Feb 1999.
- [S671] Unknown author, "Moore Families of Londonderry (NH)," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Library of Congress Microfilm 9368, Vol. 51 (1897). Hereinafter cited as "NEHGR - Moore Families of Londonderry."
- [S680] Spencer H. Dunshee (or Anna E. Taylor), 23 Jun 1870 U.S. Census of 11th Election DIstrict, 15th Ward of New York City, New York, Washington, DC, page 61, family 103, US National Archives film M593, roll 994.
- [S708] Nancy Freshour and Adams County Genealogical Society, compiler, Adams County, Iowa Birth Records (Des Moines: Iowa Genealogical Society, 1992).
- [S715] Death of John Fagan, The Republican, Watseka. IL, 12 Feb 1900.
- [S737] RootsWeb.com database search of California Birth Records (containing records 1905 thru 1995) for Surname "DUNSHEE" Dec 2000. RootswWeb Source Citation: The California Department of Health Services Office of Health Information and Research vital Statistics Section, online http://vitals.rootsweb.com/ca/birth/search.cgi. Hereinafter cited as RootsWeb CA Birth Index.
- [S859] Burial Database, The Green-Wood Cemetery, 500 - 25th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11232-1317, Phone: 718-768-7300, Email: The Green-Wood Cemetery, online http://www.green-wood.com/
- [S869] Polk's Fresno [California] City Directory - microfilm by City directories of the United States (1240 S. Main St., Los Angeles, CA: R.L. Polk & Co. of California, microfilmed by Research Publications of Woodbridge, CT, 1928-1934). Hereinafter cited as Fresno City Directory.
- [S885] Charlotte Dunshee, Camarillo poet and playwright, The Ventura County (Calif) Star-Free Press, Ventura Co., CA, 30 Oct 1973, B4.
- [S893] Charles Brooks and Mary E. Woodson's Marriage Record of 09 Dec 1878, Office of the Cass County Clerk, 346 Main St., Rm 202, Plattsmouth, Cass Co., NE. Hereinafter cited as Charles Brooks and Mary E. Woodson's Marriage.

- [S934] George G. Dunshee & Charlotte Bender marriage, 02 Oct 1895, New Jersey State Archives, 225 West State St., Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ. Marriage microfilm roll #114, D23(464 36).
- [S1011] Harvey Delano & Grace Atwell marriage, 22 Jun 1950, Woodward County Court Clerk, 1600 Main St., Woodward, Woodward Co., OK. Book 18, p. 111.
- [S1318] Caroline K. Dunshee, Jun 1900 U.S. Census of 7th Ward of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co., California, unknown repository address, E.D. 155, p. 16B, image 32, Ancestry.com census database film T623, roll 109.
- [S1323] Francis K. Dunshee, 2 Jun 1880 U.S. Census of Boone, Boone Co., Iowa, unknown repository address, E.D. 7, p. 4, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1461] Interview with Elaine Frances (Dunshee) King (191 Dean Ct., Ventura, CA 93003), by Karol F. Dunshee, 8 Aug 2006. Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S1475] Thomas W. Cherington, Woodford Co., Illinois Probate Records (Probate Folder), Woodford County, Illinois Courthouse, Woodford Co., IL.
- [S1477] Ray C. Sawyer, compiler, Index of Wills for New York County, NY 1851-1875 inclusive (n.p.: n.pub., 1950). Hereinafter cited as New York Co., NY Will Index.
- [S1505] John Dunshee, pioneer resident (obituary), Star-Free Press, Ventura Co., CA, 6 Apr 1977, C-3.
- [S1523] Dunshee, Frank C, Denver Post (on-line - http://www.legacy.com/DenverPost/Obituaries.asp), Denver, CO, 31 Dec 2006.
- [S1578] Funeral Services For Mrs. Cyrena Dunshee Held Tuesday Afternoon, Thomson Review, Thomson, IL, 11 May 1933, p. 1.
- [S1597] Mother of Mrs. Stewart Irwin Taken by Death, The Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, OH, 5 Nov 1929, p. 1.
- [S1644] C.F. Dunshee, 41, Bank Appraiser, Dies in Bay City, The Fresno Bee, Fresno, CA, 16 Nov 1936, Section B, p. 1.
- [S1703] Logan Cemetery burials, Logan, Quay Co., NM compiled in 2001 by Kenneth Bogard, Floy Nell Carver Bogard and Yvonne Bogard, online http://newmexicoalhn.net/quay/logan_cemetery.htm. Hereinafter cited as Logan, NM Cemetery.
- [S1776] Brooklyn Genealogy Info - Marriages, online http://www.bklyn-genealogy-info.com/Marriage/AZ/D/D.25.html
- [S1781] USGenWeb NY, Schoharie Co - Marriages and Deaths in the Delaware Gazette, 1837-1849 - submitted by Linda Ogborn, online http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nyschoha/pdf/…. Hereinafter cited as Marriages and Deaths in the Delaware Gazette, 1837-1849.
- [S1815] Jan Hollinger, compiler, A Walk Through History - Olio Twp Cemetery (Woodford Co., Illinoiis) (R.R. 1, Box 15, Eureka, IL 61530: Olio Twp Cemetery Sexton, ca 1996). Hereinafter cited as Olio Twp Cemetery.
- [S1816] Unknown compiler, compiler, Woodford County Cemeteries - Index of Burials (located in Tazewell County (IL) Genealogical and Historical Society (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Woodford County Cemeteries - Index of Burials.
- [S1853] Lucy Palmer Frane and indexed by Betty Weghorst Murphy, compiler, Woodford County (IL) Marriages 1841-1870 - copied from Peoria Genealogical Quarterlies "Prairie Roots" (Pekin, IL: Tazewell County Genealogical Society, compiled 1939 and indexed 1981).
- [S1854] Unknown compiler, compiler, Woodford County (IL) Cemeteries - Index of Burials (Pekin, IL: located in Tazewell County Genealogical Society).