- [S322] Henry E. Perkins, New Edition of the Records of the Family of Rufus Perkins of Rockingham and Chester, VT. 1781 to 1803 and his Children Moses, Rufus, Amasa, Betsey and Silas, who settled in Addison, Rutland, and Windsor Counties, Vermont, especialliy his son Rufus Perkins who settled in East Middlebury , Vermont, and Grandson Rufus Lyman Pekins of East Middlebury and Rutland Vermont. (417 Second St., N.E., Washington, D.C.: Henry E. Perkins, March 25, 1916). Hereinafter cited as Family of Rufus Perkins.
- [S330] Kenneth H. Dunshee, Historian Of Firemen and Their Perils, Dies, The New York Times, New York, NY, 15 Sep 1964, column 4 , page 37.
- [S333] Egar L. Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Palo Alto, Santa Clara Co., CA, Washington, DC, E.D. 137, Sheet 15, Line 27, US National Archives film T625. Roll 147.
- [S335] Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, 8 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Middletown, Orange Co., New York, Washington, DC, E.D. 119, sheet 12, line 23, US National Archives T625, roll 1252.
- [S338] Warner B. Dunshee, Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Otsego Co., New York, Washington, DC, E.D. 214, sheet 9, line 20, US National Archives T625, roll 1255.
- [S339] Delaware County, NY USGenWeb Site,
Transcribed from Original Marriage Record Index at the Delaware County Clerk's Office - prepared by Laurie Kyle, Alan Malz, and Joyce Riedinger
, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~nydelawa/marriage.html. Hereinafter cited as Delaware Co., NY marriages. - [S345] Nellie Manger - Charles Dunshee, 22 Jan 1920 - 2 Feb 1920 U.S. Census of Sidney, Delaware Co., New York, Washington, DC, E.D. 175, sheet 6, line 66 - sh, 7, ln 60, US National Archives T625, roll 1097.
- [S346] Arthur Dunshee, 14 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Franklin, Delaware Co., New York, Washington, DC, E.D. 157, sheet 5, line 41, US National Archives T625, roll 1096.
- [S347] Bert Dunshee, 8 Jan 1920 U.S. Census of Sidney, Delaware Co., New York, Washington, DC, E.D. 176, sheet 2, line 22, US National Archives T625, roll 1097.
- [S350] Letter from Michael Barry Treadwell (3 Lebbury Close; Aldridge; Walsall; West Midlands; WS9 8LN; England) to Orville Dunshee, 14 Oct 1997; Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S351] Letter from Robert Franklin Dunshee (29 Shore Road; Burlington, VT 05401-2653) to Betty Dunshee, 6 Jun 1998; Karol & Carol Dunshee personal files (3180 Branding Iron Ct., Milliken, Weld Co., CO).
- [S429] Militia Enrollment List - World War I, County of Delaware, State of New York, 1917, Copy provided by the Delaware County Clerk's Office, Delhi, NY, Electronic Text prepared by Laurie Kyle, Spokane, Washington
, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~nydelawa/WWI.html - [S435] State of New York Affidavit for License to Marry, County of Delaware, Delaware County Clerk, NY. Hereinafter cited as Delaware Co., NY Marriage License.

- [S469] Mary Dunshee, 1860 U.S. Census of Grasslake Village, Jackson Co., Michigan, Washington, DC, page 227, US National Archives.
- [S554] Franklin Dunchee, 26 Jun 1880 US Census of Sidney town, Delaware Co., New York, Washington, DC, Vol. 15, E.D. 79, sheet 25, dwelling 259, US National Archives film T9, roll 823.
- [S572] John Leroy Dunshee, "Descendants of Gladys G. Stockwell", e-mailed to Karol Dunshee on 06 Dec 1999 (32015 Griffith Dr., Tangent, OR 97389) ,.
- [S587] Sally F. Delaney, 87 (obituary), Telegram & Gazette, Worcester, MA, 11 Jan 1999, B5.
- [S588] Jennifer Dunshee-Campbell, "The Dunshee Clan," e-mail message from e-mail address & e-mail address CA to Karol F. Dunshee, 16 & 17 Jun 1998 & 9 Feb 2000.
- [S621] Donna Muchmore Dastrup (e-mail address), online http://www.poncacitynews.com/muchmoreorg/mfa1/fam00709.htm, The MUCHMORE Family Asssociation (unknown location), downloaded 1999.
- [S692] Kenneth Holcomb Dunshee, The Village Blacksmith (n.p.: Century House, 1957).
- [S802] Erin Dunshee-Cowan, Re: Dunfee or Dunshee in "Erin Dunshee-Cowan posting to the "DUNFEE" Surname List of GENFORUM", listserve message to http://genforum.genealogy.com/dunfee/messages/62.html, 02 Jul 1999. Printout dated 18 Mar 2001.
- [S830] "Obituaries", article retrieved under "dunshee" search at LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - LIBRARY SERVICES via ProQuest, a Bell & Howell information service
, online http://www.umi.com/proquest/, printout dated 14 Jul 2001. Previously published in hard copy (St. Petersburg, FL
: St. Petersburg Times (City Edition)
, 14 Aug 1993). Hereinafter cited as "Thomas R. Dunshee obituary." - [S860] "Erwin R. Dunshee [obituary] & Rites", Rutland Herald, online http://rutlandherald.nybor.com/Archive/Articles/Article/…, printout dated 11 Aug 2001. Previously published in hard copy (Rutland, Vermont 05702-0668: Rutland Herald, 02 Aug 2001 & 04 Aug 2001).
- [S884] Cemetery Records Online, online http://www.interment.net/
- [S918] Delaware Co. NY USGenWeb transcription of the 1900 census of Sidney, NY, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~nydelawa/censid19.html
- [S919] Delaware County (New York) Clerk's Office Marriage Records Index (Books 4, 6, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19) transcribed by Linda Ogborn and Deb Goodrich for Delaware County, NY Genealogy and History Site, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~nydelawa/oldnewsidx/… (exchange "4" for other book numbers). Hereinafter cited as Delaware Co., NY Marriage Index.
- [S921] "Obituaries- Kenneth Dunshee", Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News (FL) - Martin County Edition, Page: B4, online http://www.tcpalm.com/tcp/stuart_news, printout dated 18 Feb 2002. Previously published in hard copy (St. Lucie Co., FL: The E.W. Scripps Co, 06 Dec 2001).
- [S923] Linda Ogborn's indexing of Arthur R. Dunshee's obituary on the Delaware County, NY Genealogy and History Site, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~nydelawa/oldnewsidx/obitog3.html. Hereinafter cited as Arthur R. Dunshee obituary index.
- [S935] Kenneth Holcomb Dunshee, Newark, Essex Co., NJ Birth Certificate 263-36-D98 (31 Dec 1900), New Jersey State Archives, 225 West State St., Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ.
- [S936] Kenneth Holcomb Dunshee & Katherine Schuyler Sayre marriage, 21 Dec 1922, New Jersey State Archives, 225 West State St., Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ. Marriage Certificates 1922 COM-D (by groom) microfilm #404.
- [S953] Robert E. Dunshee, 1930 U.S. Census of District 296, San Francisco Co., CA, unknown repository address, pg 8A, Ancestry p. 15, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S961] Daniel L. Lindsey, Apr 1930 U.S. Census of ED 299, Newark, Essex Co., New Jersey, unknown repository address, ED 299, sheet 4B, Ancestry pg 8, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S979] Melissa A. Willette, "dunshee family history," e-mail message from e-mail address & e-mail address (unknown address) to Karol F. Dunshee, 6 May 2003.
- [S982] Warner B Dunshee, Apr 1930 US Census of Oneonta, Otsego Co., New York, unknown repository address, E.D. 32, Ancestry image 23, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1025] Mario(n) Dunshee, Connecticut Death Index unknown number, ANCESTRY.COM, unknown repository address.
- [S1283] Horace Perkins, 1 Jun 1880 U.S. Census of Constable, Franklin Co., New York, unknown repository address, E.D. 80, p. 1, Ancestry.com census database.
- [S1535] Vera E. Dunshee, The Daily Star - online version http://old.thedailystar.com/news/community/obits/2005/06/…, 102 Chestnut Street, Oneonta, NY 13820, 03 Jun 2005. Hereinafter cited as The Daily Star - online.

- [S1536] May Dunshee, 1900 US Census of Sidney, Deleware Co., New York, unknown repository address, unknown repository roll 1021, p131 or 16A.
- [S1540] Mollie Landfear, "genealogy correction," e-mail message from e-mail address (West Dundee, IL) to Karol F. Dunshee, 25 Jan 2006.
- [S1568] Delaware County News - Mrs. Adeline Fitch, Oneonta Daily Star Oneonta, NY) from Ancestry's Historical Newpsaper Collection, Oneonta, NY, 27 Feb 1917, p. 3. Hereinafter cited as The (Oneonta) Star.

- [S1574] Death of Charles Dunshee, Oneonta Daily Star Oneonta, NY) fron Ancestry's Historical Newpsaper Collection, Oneonta, NY, 24 Nov 1921, p. 7. Hereinafter cited as The (Oneonta) Star.
- [S1587] Newspaper abstracts by Karol F. Dunshee, Oneonta Daily Star, Oneonta, NY.
- [S1595] Historian Dies, The Citizen-Advertiser, Auburn, NY, 15 Sep 1964, p. 5.
- [S1601] Delaware County News - Mrs. Emmons Dunshee - Sidney Center Woman Dies in Albany, Oneonta Daily Star, Oneonta, NY, 1 Jul 1920.
- [S1649] Car Injures Young Woman Pushing Baby Carriage, Fitchburg Sentinel, Fitchburg, MA, 23 Feb 1937, p. 12.
- [S1656] Gordon A. Dunshee obiturary, Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News (Martin County edition) extract from newsbank.com, FL, 17 Jul 2002, B4. Hereinafter cited as Stuart/Port St. Lucie News.
- [S1696] Wendell Dunshee (Obituaries, Funerals), Fitchburg Sentinel (from NewspaperArchive.com database), Fitchburg, MA, 9 Jan 1967, p. 4. Hereinafter cited as Fitchburg Sentinel.
- [S1697] Wendell Dunshees Note Anniversary, Fitchburg Sentinel (from NewspaperArchive.com database), Fitchburg, MA, 3 Oct 1960. Hereinafter cited as Fitchburg Sentinel.
- [S1698] Pauline M. (Dunshee) Singfook, 80, Sentinel & Enterprise from Newspaper Archive.com, Fitchburg, VT, 30 Jun 2007. Hereinafter cited as Sentinel & Enterprise.
- [S1917] "Vol III", STANFORD UNIVERSITY ALUMNI DIRECTORY AND TEN -YEAR BOOK (GRADUATES AND NON- GRADUATES) 1891-1920, online http://www.mocavo.com/visit. Previously published in hard copy (CALIFORNIA: PUBLISHED BY STANFORD UNIVERSITY, 1921). Hereinafter cited as "Stanford University Alumni Directory."